4 ingredient yogurt chicken with Greek style salad. Yogurt chicken is a very quick and easy recipe which can be made using only a few ingredients. Here is my recipe of yogurt chicken. Yogurt tenderizes meat much more gently and effectively than regular marinades. While acidic vinegar- or citrus-based marinades can toughen proteins like chicken breast to a rubbery consistency, yogurt slowly tenderizes them, resulting in meat that can practically be pulled apart by hand.
You can also substitute yogurt with Sour cream, buttermilk — lactic acid breaks down protein and tenderize the meat. For this reason, you can also use lemon/lime or vinegar in your marinade as they are acid as well. But you can not use cream instead of yogurt here. Yogurt has the necessary properties to tenderize the chicken and also keep it moist. Cream doesn’t do that.
Eating Curd or yogurt with meat, fish or Chicken is a common in a lot of cuisines. In fact when meat and chicken is marinated with curd, it helps cook the meat and gives it a good taste.
So here is my 4 ingredient yogurt chicken with Greek style salad recipe in my series of healthy chicken recipes meal preps.