
Chicken burra recipe|chicken barra karim's|chicken barra kebab recipe|authentic chicken recipe

Today I am sharing chicken burra recipe.
There a variety of kebabs all over India, but this is a special Mughlai kebab recipe.chicken burra is served usually with a rich creamy sauce, but here I have shown a starter recipe. This is a very famous dish in Delhi Karim’s hotel.
I have also shown how to get a smokey effect in chicken without any oven or tandoor.

This Mughlai kebab delicacy is very easy to make & will be a great starter for party’s and functions.
Do impress your guests by trying this easy recipe.

check out my other chicken recipes



Буба ? Кулинарное шоу: Рецепт смузи ? Мультики для детей – Буба МультТВ

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