
Chickpea “Tuna Salad” Recipe | VEGAN | NUTRITARIAN

My favorite easy salad lately, the Chickpea “Tuna” Salad…without the tuna!! HAHAHAH. This one is great in wraps or on sandwiches…or just by the spoonful whenever you’re hungry! Check it out and let me know what you think in the comments section.

++ Phil’s Pasta Tuna Salad:
++ Non-fortified Nutritional Yeast I buy:

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✖ My Fav Smoothie Recipe: Chocolate Peanut Butter Smoothie recipe (gets delivered on the second email)

—— ABOUT ——

✖ This video is part of a series of vlogs (video blogs) by Cheri Alberts of The Watering Mouth website.
✖ Cheri vlogged for 200 days in a row once, and showed every single thing she ate. Watch that here:
✖ Cheri posts videos to explain the healthy, high-nutrient lifestyle of a whole-foods, plant-based Nutritarian, explaining health and wellness concepts from all different eating styles, as well as sharing mistakes and lessons she has learned. You can follow along with this series by subscribing to her YouTube channel.
✖ Cheri shows really pretty pictures of the food she eats on her Instagram channel here:
✖ Cheri also blogs on her website “The Watering Mouth” about recipes and more information that is applicable to anyone’s journey to health.
✖ The best way to be informed about The Watering Mouth updates is to sign up for the email newsletter. When you sign up, you also receive a free healthy recipes cookbook. Sign up here:


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