
How to cook Chicken Curry in Indian Style | Chicken Recipes | Cooking with Anil Learn to cook Chicken Curry in Indian Style at home. Let’s make chicken curry step by step with me. This video will show you recipes for cooking chicken. Want to update with my food, travel, culture & language videos ?
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Thank you so much for liking last cooking video and encouraging for cooking lesson. Today I want to share my cooking recipes on How to Cook Chicken Curry in Indian Style. There are many methods for cooking chicken and also it depends on what we want to cook. There are so many cuisines made of chicken in abroad as well as in India like Chicken Biryani, Chicken Tikka, Chicken masala, Chicken curry and so many. Today I am will talk about making a fried chicken which you can eat breakfast or dinner with other foods.

Ingredients Required:

1/2 kg Chicken
3 Tomatoes
4 average size Onion
3 -4 Chilies
7-8 strands of Coriander
4-5 strands of Mint
1 table spoon of turmeric
2 table spoon of Chicken Spice ( Chicken masala packets come in market, you can buy in any Indian grocery stores.
1 and 1/2 spoon of Garam masala ( buy in Indian Grocery story)
20-25 pieces of garlic
One small piece of garlic
1 lemon
4-5 table spoon of cooking oil.
how to cook chicken in Indian style
Ingredients ready to cook chicken

1. Chop finely the onions, tomatoes. coriander, & mint finely as shown in above picture.
2. Squeeze the lemon over raw chicken meat you have bought and mash it up for 1 minute. Make sure that all the lemon is well mixed with meat so that while cleaning it will be so easy to remove all dirt, blood , fat and other surface particle.

how to make Chicken in Indian style
Chicken after cleaning with lemon juice.
3. Put the pan over the heat. And wait till the pan gets heated well.

4. Once you feel the heat on pan, put the 4-5 table spoon of cooking oil and wait for 30 second so that it gets well warmed.

5. Once you see the oil is warm, take your body little back and put all onions on the pan and stir it well and cover it for few minutes till it gets red in color but check it time to time. It can stick in bottom , stop it by checking time to time.

6. While the onion is red, now prepare the garlic, ginger and chilly paste in mixer.

7. If you see onion are red. put cumin seeds about 1 tsb and wait for 40-50 second till its get ripped.

8. Now put chicken into it and stir it very well so that oil will get wrapped well all over the chicken flesh. While stirring you see the chicken is swallowing gradually and turning white. Cover it and keep checking , don’t let it stick at bottom.

9. After 2-3 times of cover and checking in gaps of 1 minutes, put now the paste you made it and also put the turmeric and stir all very well with chicken so that every thing will mixed up well .

10. Cover the chicken pan for 1-2 minutes but don’t let the chicken or spices stick on bottom of pan.

11. Now put tomatoes and salt and stir all the ingredients very well.

12. Cover and check frequently 2-3 times in the gap of 30 second. Don’t let it stick in bottom of the pan.

13. Once you see tomatoes are well mixed now time to put 2 tsb of chicken masala and 1 tsb of garam masala and then stire everything very well and cover it .

14. Keep covering and checking 3-4 times .

15. Put mint leaves and stir and cover up.

16. Put coriander leave after one minutes of putting mint but don’t mix now. Cover it and turn off the heat. Wait for 1 minute.

Your Chicken is READY to Eat

This is how I cook my chicken curry in Indian style which is very delicious in taste. You can serve as you want, in dinner or lunch or breakfast.

See the video how I cooked the fried chicken . It will guide you step by step to cook super delicious chicken fry in Indian style. I am sure you will love this. You can try out today and surprise your family.


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