
Amanda Bucci Red Velvet Flexible Dieting Crunch Wrap Recipe!

The Flexible Dieting Lifestyle Book of Recipes 5.0

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Macros for the Entire Crunch Wrap with Toppings:
408 Cals, 53g Carbs, 6g Fat, 39g Protein

Ingredients for Red Velvet Cookie Blondie
– 65g Drained and Rinsed Chickpeas
– 10g PEScience Gourmet Vanilla Select Protein (“FDL” saves your 30% on your PEScience order)
– 5g All Purpose Flour
– 3g Zero Cal Sweetener of your choice
– 2g Baking Soda
– 2g Baking Powder
– 2g Xanthan Gum
– 46g Egg Whites
– 2 Outsides of Red Velvet Oreo
– 14g Fat Free Cream Cheese

Ingredients for White Chocolate Cheesecake Icing:
– 86g Plain Non Fat Greek Yogurt
– 4g Sugar Free/Fat Free White Chocolate Pudding Mix
– 2g Zero Cal Sweetener of your choice
– 1g Xanthan Gum

1. Pre heat oven to 400 degrees F. Add all cookie blondie ingredients to your Ninja Food Processor. Here is the one I have ( Blend and then add 20ml of liquid of your choice if needed to get it to blend more to get that dough consistency. I used Walden Farms French Vanilla Creamer.
2. Now once dough is done, add 1/2 of it to your mini cheesecake pan. Here is the one I have ( Now you will take 14g of fat free cream cheese and 1g zero cal sweetener and mix together in a small bowl. Take out the middle cream part of red velvet oreo and replace with your cream cheese filling. Now add that to the middle of your cheesecake pan. Then cover with the rest of your dough. Add to oven for 12-15 minutes.
3. While cookie blondie is cooking, you will make your protein icing by adding 86g plain non fat greek, 4g sugar free/fat free pudding mix, 2g zero cal sweetener of your choice and 1g xanthan gum to a small bowl. Mix until you have a nice and thick icing like consistency.
4. Once cooke blondie is done, you will lay flat your La Banderita Low Carb Tortilla and add half of your protein icing to it. Then add your cookie blondie on top face down. Then add the rest of your protein icing. Then fold up your crunch wrap like I do in the video and add to your pan bottom first to seal it up. Then flip over and cook the top till golden. Now take off pan, add to your plate and put in freezer for 10-15 minutes to cool (can be longer if you want it super cold). Then take out and top with whatever your heart desires! I went with PEScience protein icing and Red Velvet Halo Top!

PEScience Protein Icing Recipe:
– 10g PEScience Gourmet Vanilla Select Protein
– 2g Sugar Free/Fat Free Cheesecake Pudding Mix
– 2g Zero Cal Sweetener of your choice

1. Add all ingredients to small bowl and add water and mix with spoon until you get the consistency of a thick icing. Now add to your 2oz icing bottle ( and then put on your crunch wrap! Enjoy!


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БЕЗ ДУХОВКИ! Недорогой ОРИГИНАЛЬНЫЙ десерт!!! WITHOUT AN OVEN! Inexpensive ORIGINAL dessert !!!

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