
Baked chicken and grilled chicken recipes | Easy and quick delicious recipe| 2 recipes

Few people cook checkin like that | A different, delicious and easy recipe
Hello friends, welcome to our video and a new recipe?
In this video, I will show you a different recipe that many people do not make and you can make it very easily.
In this recipe, I cook with salt very easily in a short period of time and very tasty
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● Checkin
● Salt
● Black pepper
● Saffron
● Oil


● Chichen
● Salt
● Black pepper
● oil
● Lemon juice
● Saffran

● Salt
●Black pepper
● Thyme
● Saffran
● Mayonnaise
● Onion
01:59 2recipe
Potato food playlist link?
Cook with me playlist link?

I hope you have a good day?
In this channel, I upload videos about cooking and in each video I introduce a new recipe that may be interesting to you.
I hope you like it and subscribe if you like it
have a good day————————————————————————————————————————————————
food recipes recipe,asmr cooking favorite recipes,asmr delicious recipe recipes quick and easy quick recipe cooking recipes simply delicious noodles recipe simple recipes


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Dessert in 5 Minuten! Das Dessert ist so lecker, dass ich es fast jeden Tag koche! Kein Zucker/Sahne