
Best Smoothie Recipe For BUSY MORNINGS *Healthy & Delicious*

Here is my favorite recipe for a healthy smoothie that is quick and easy to prepare, has minimal cleanup, and is as smooth and as delicious as a milkshake! This is a great recipe if you are looking for how to add more vegetables into your diet. I make this smoothie every single day! I have tried many smoothie recipes but this is the one I’ve stuck with because it is so delicious and I feel great getting leafy greens in for breakfast. You can make it just as shown or use this as a template and add in whatever else you deem important in your morning routine!

Here is the general recipe with nutrition breakdown:

Total calories: around 300
1 cup almond milk (30 cals)
Greens (I don’t add greens cals) (maybe 5?)
0.5-1 cup frozen berries (35-70 cals)
Banana (100 cals)
Protein (about 100)

Let me know what you put in your smoothies to make them delicious or more nutritious and please consider subscribing! Thank you!

Equipment Used:
iPhone 12

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