#Shrikhand is a popular Gujarat #dessert recipe that can be easily prepared. Traditionally, shrikhand is prepared without cooking and is just prepared by blending and chilling. Over the years, there have been several variations of shrikhand and these days you can easily find fruit-flavoured shrikhand. Of which, the popular ones are mango, chocolate and kiwi shrikhand. #Kiwi Chocolate Shrikhand is one of those varieties and is prepared using kiwis, dark chocolate, hung curd and powdered sugar. This is an interesting dessert recipe that you can have after meals and still not get worried about the calories as it has several nutritional properties in it. This Fusion recipe is loaded with chocolaty and fruity flavours, this shrikhand recipe will win the hearts of your guests in any party.
#desserts #sweet #partydesserts
in Deserts