✑ It’s time to up our game, our stamina, performance and intensity. Try this herbal smoothie recipe an hour before game time and let herbs help you perform better. Each of the herbs and fruits has been proven to have a positive effect. Try it an hour before she comes over. Also learn why these herbs are beneficial
– My Herb Book – https://nutrients.dungubook.com/herb-book
– Support the channel, Shop – https://www.paulotote.com/shop
– WHERE I GET MY HERBS FROM -https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/1/d/1SKB4waj7oPy5fUzlURzCZxLF0AefHsO0TYCQkwNuG5w/edit?usp=drive_web&ouid=118051142105936581828
Or try the Athene box from https://herbybox.com/ – use DUNGU10 for 10% off.
Some of the herbs in the herbal smoothie recipe include maca root, cacao and haritaki.