
Perfect Holiday Dessert: Truffle Balls!

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Happy Monday everyone!

I hope you are all enjoying your holiday season.

We are upon Thanksgiving week and there is so much this year that I am grateful for. Of course, my health is primary among them. Then there is my incredible family and amazing friends. My career is something that I am deeply grateful for, both for how it has allowed me to live my life and because of all that I have learned from working with my clients and the relationships I’ve developed with them as well as some of my Motivational Monday viewers. I treasure every single one of you!

But one thing about Thanksgiving that I find a challenge is navigating the onslaught of food that seems to last all the way to the New Year. It’s not easy. Particularly dessert.

What makes these temptations easier to navigate is to be ready with some healthy treats of my own and today I am going to share with you one of my favorite, decadent treats that are easy to make and incredibly nourishing to your body (and if you love decadence, your soul!)

Truffle balls are loaded in quality fats, solid protein and sweet toppings that make this dessert a phenomenal option to keep on hand, helping to keep you away from the heavy desserts of the holidays. I suggest you make some and bring to your next holiday party…. not only will you have something to enjoy guilt-free, but you’ll also be helping others to stay healthy this holiday season too! Additionally, the essential fats in the truffles will nourish your brain, helping to mitigate the effects of stress, which is part and parcel of the holidays.

And now I want to hear from you! What are YOU grateful for this year? What brings you joy? Tell me below- And if you make the truffles, I’d love to hear what you think.

Wishing you all the very best holiday season. May you stay healthy and happy!


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