
reteta de pui cu curry,chicken curry recipe

the most delicious chicken curry ingredients 500 g cold cooked chicken, 2 tablespoons curry powder, chili, 70 g butter, 2 tablespoons olive oil, 1 tablespoon sugar 2 tablespoons tomato paste, garlic, Ginger, 2 onions chopped, 2 lemon slices 1 cup red wine 2 bay leaves 200 g cream, pipe, salt.
  put in hot butter and olive oil, add onion garlic, Ginger, chili, sugar, curry, tomato paste, wine.
about 5 minutes after it boils remove bay leaves and lemon, then ground in a blender.
cream mix in the desired amount (the rest can be used later) with salt, pepper and pour over chicken pieces.
good appetite!
cel mai delicios pui cu curry, ingrediente- 500 g de pui fiert racit,2 linguri pudra curry,chili,70 g unt,2 linguri ulei masline,1 lingura zahar,2 linguri pasta tomate,usturoi,chimbir,2 cepe tocate,2 felii lamaie,1 pahar vin rosu,2 foi dafin,200 g smantana,pipe,sare.
se pune la incins untul si ulei de masline,adaugam ceapa usturoi,chimbir,chili,zahar,curry,pasta tomate,vin.
dupa ce clocoteste cam 5 minute se scoate dafinul si lamaia,apoi maruntim la blender.
se amesteca cu smantana in cantitatea dorita (restul se poate folosi ulterior) se pune sare, piper si se toarna peste bucatile de pui.
pofta buna!


matka chicken in hindi/english/ pot chicken / kunda chicken/ rustic matka chicken

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