
Strawberry Smoothie With Yogurt, Strawberry Banana Smoothie Recipe



1 cup. Frozen strawberries

1 frozen banana

1/4 cup nonfat greek yogurt

1/2 tbsp. chia seeds

1/4 c. low fat milk


1. In a blender, puree the strawberries, bananas, yogurt, chia seeds and milk until smooth.

2. and serve in a glass or bowl

Did you know?

Strawberries are a good food option for weight loss as long as you are not adding them to ice creams or cakes. Instead, use them with healthy food options such as smoothies, yogurt, and oatmeal. If you are craving something sweet for a snack, you can top strawberries with a low-fat whipped topping.

Chia seeds
This superfood is full of health-promoting nutrients, including both fiber and protein

Chia seeds have been shown to help balance out blood sugar levels and give us a sustained level of energy, making them the perfect pre-workout food. They are also full of heart-healthy fatty acids and immune-boosting antioxidants.”


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