
Using wood chips on a gas grill

Can you get bold authentic barbecue flavor on a gas grill? The answer is YES. And our ambassador Brad of ChilesandSmoke is showing you how to use wood chips on a gas grill. From smoker boxes to foil packs, how to utalize the smoke and even how to reverse sear with wood chips on a gas grill, he’s covering a ton of tips. can you smoke on a gas grill? Yes you can!

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00:00 Intro
01:17 Create smoke
01:51 Don’t soak your wood chips
02:09 Using a smoking tube or foil pack for smoke
02:42 How to fold a foil pack for wood chips
04:31 What to grill with wood chips on a gas grill
05:19 How to reverse sear with wood chips on a gas grill

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